Is Anybody There?

Hello everyone. How are things? Woke up @ 8 this morning which is a problem, because I have 2 leave 4 school @ 20 past. So I was in a bit of a panic, understandably, (I had 2 get changed, eat a decent breakfast and pack my schoolbag in less than 20 mins) but then Mum shouted 2 me when I was in v loo that
"we're going @ 20 past 9 2day as you have a doctor's appointment".
*falls over so hard that a dent is left in v bathroom floor*
I had even packed a Nutella sandwich to eat @ school 2 save time! T-T
Also, I know Sakura Land has been viewed 79 times @ v moment, but I'm getting a little depressed because nobody's commenting on my work. I know it's early days, and sorry 4 being greedy and/or overambitious, but it's bothersome. I suppose it's because I want 2 know if u like Anna Magica and my posts, and possible areas 4 improvement. (The cover 4 Anna Magica is very primitive, I know. I coloured in v characters with felt tips.) So, if you have seen my work, please let me know what you think of it if u can.
Oh, and on v Pactio Card front, a software from Deviant Art seems 2 be my best bet, but my computer doesn't have Photoshop or Gimp. Dangit.
See you later,
