Helios Rhapsody (Prelude)

This is a little novel I do in my spare time to keep my mind busy. It's about a boy who finds out he's in a conspiracy theory from the government regarding an alternate dimension. But before anything else, here's a little background story and character introduction(characters will be introduced more and more as time goes on.)

Plot Background:
It's the year 2015, with the world recovering from a global economic crisis that was solved with the formation of a worldwide economy system codenamed "Hel Ios", or Helios, by economic geniuses from around the world. The use of this system Helios angered certain world powers, pushing the world into a state of elevated tensions, made worse with the discovery of beings posing as human beings in various countries from a sort of parallel universe called S.P.I.R.I.T.S., with strange capabilities that scientists defined as "powers." It was later found out that the creators of Hel Ios" were beings from the parallel universe, working to better the world with little nudges. With this discovery kept on a government standard need to know basis, the military in each country slowly began monitoring them and attempted to recruit them, using any method possible to get their hands on them for use for their own reasons. After awhile, a rebel group Kingfisher was born, with each member stepping in to stop any underhanded conspiracy attempt to get the spirits to join the country's military and become test subjects. Eventually, the creator of kingfisher was found and kidnapped by the United States, leaving a family of 2 children; a boy and girl; and a desperate mother struggling to accept the wish of the kidnapped man, and took over his business, a sub division of Helios. As the government experimented, they found that each spirit embodied a spectral animal form, ranging from common animals, to mystical beasts. On further analysis, they found the range of abilities were endless, but barely surpassed the laws of reality. Upon experimenting with the blood of the individual, a serum was made to grant temporary powers to the receiver of the serum, but only of that individual. Finding this out, they began to seek out spirits, collecting them to gain power for their country. The family of the Kingfisher's leader was dispersed, the wife using her publicity to keep her safe, while she had her children identities changed and scattered at an early age, having them live at secure families that would never give up their identities. At the passing of the summer solstice, their abilities began to manifest, forcing the families to explain to them the realities.