Out of Business

So, this book store that's in the mall by my house is going out of business (it's called Walden Books, you might have heard of it). But anyways, because their going out of business, they have like this HUGE sale, and it was 50% off of manga~.

That means kiddies, that I got 3 mangas for a little over 12 dollars, oh it made me happy~. (and I got an Auntie Ann pretzel, because in my book of awesome stuff to do when one goes to the mall, you always need atleast one Auntie Ann pretzel! :3)

So, now I have .hack//Alcor, Tegami Bachi vol. 1 and Waq Waq vol. 2 to add to my collection! :D I really wanna go online with all my birthday/christmas money and finally get around to buying the rest of Pita Ten and possibly Jing King of Bandits, and getting the next couple of books of either Hell Girl or Dark Metro...so many manga to buy, so little time/money! DX

...you know what just struck me? I can't take my manga collection with me when I go away to college... D:

I'm sad now...
