
Reflection is a glass mirror, can any one see clearer, a reflection in a glass mirror

I'm always making up weird diddies like the aforementioned. Granted "Glass Mirror" isn't as amazing as my Makin' ramen song. Oh waht's that you want to hear it? Well hear you go!

Makin' Makin' ramen, I am makin' ramen, makin' makin' ramen, but I am not Jamacian!

Seriously the best song ever! Totally TMed. But this has little to do with why I decided to write this particular post!
I was in a terrible mood all day. I woke up at a normal time but didn't actually get up until later, Mo (My scooter) wouldn't start up this morning (It was to cold), and argued with a girl because she didn't even try to work on her art project and stuff like that irratates me!, in the same hour I argued with a boy (Who I think is really weird) about politics and everyone heard me (I get really noisy when I'm riled up. A girl said she didn't think I could be so confrontational, I was embarrassed!), I didn't understand my math at all!! and I didn't get my notes because I had to turn them in for a grade!, Chemistry was also REALLY difficult and I didn't understand it! I'm going to wait for the teacher to explain some stuff before I turn it in!, Lunch was okay History was AWESOME!!made my day really (Oh an english was also okay),Yearbook sucked but it always does!, and Spanish was easy! Thankfully I don't have school tomorrow! Today was the end of the quater and tomorrow is a Teacher Inservice! LOL that's a lot of stuff to read! I'm sorry it's not very gramatically correct!

All in all today was very frustrating and I was really aggresive all day! I calmed down after I rode Mo and had a P'zone. Tomorrow should be better though because I'm probably going to play a bunch of videogames with my friend! Hopefully she'll bring over Chibi Robo! I love Chibi Robo!

This is really long and I'm sorry!

Dude I was reading a fanfic and it really got me thinking about life and stuff. It's funny how one sentence can fling me into a tangent. Suddenly I feel sad.

I feel like there is a lot more stuff I should say but I can't think of anything! Suddenly a question popped up into my head. "Do you wish you were born as the oposite gender? Why or why Not?" My answer would be yes because Boys are cool and I act like a boy and It think it would be cool!
