I'll Get You

It's early, like before 6 in the morning early, but I'm wide awake because I had a really freaky dream. In the beginning I was in a town that isn't where I live. Idon't really remember how it started But eventually me and one of my brothers were in this car driving through town. There was this weird zombie-esque virus going around and we were trying to escape, but first my brother to check up on everyone. I think we did but I guess they must have turned into zombies and were going to leave later or something because they weren't in the car with us later on. So we leave town and pull over and get gas or something, and when we get back into the car our dog is in there too. So we're leaving the town and on the highway and I keep gong on and on about how we're lucky we are because we have a dog and that most people who survived don't. And my dog is sitting between me and my brother and he's a squishing me against the door but I didn't mind because I thought we were so lucky to have a dog. Anyway so we're driving and then we start approaching the turn into where we live and my bro is all "We gotta make sure mom is okay" turns into town. I didn't wnt to go into town because I knew everyone was already zombies. But then I figure we have to make sure because she's my mom and I don't want her to be a zombie so I agree with him. And we go down the turn. And like as we approach the city there's this big ol' wall and like a parking area and in the parking area we see our old purple van(It wasn't old in the dream, but we don't have in anymoar IRL) and our mom. And I'm all thank goodness the zombies didn't get her! And so we get out of the car and start hugging and stuff. But then my other brother whom I dislike greatly is there and he starts being a jerk. And I get into a fight with him and my mom tells us to quit it and get in the car, which is now the cadillac. So me and my brother who isn't so annoying get into the back and my other brother sits in front of me and my mom gets into the driver's seat and we are all ready to go when my mom is all like "We gotta save the people in the town!". So for some reason me and her get out of the car and walk to this door in the big ol' wall. I think it was when we were walking to the door that the Hustle song started to play. Pretty sure I talking about them and started talking about how they walk and then I started to do the hustle because the song play. Anyway we walk to the door and lean in and listen and we hear like these girls screaming and crying "Let Me Out! PLEASE! THEY ARE RIGHT BEHIND US!" And Stuff like. So me and my mom back away deciding it's not a good idea to go check out our town. And My mom is starts talking about ti's the judge's fault that the girls can't get through and mentions how one of the voices sounded like this girl (whom I dislike). But Anyway Like the sound like they are getting closer or whatever so my mom tellsme to run so I start running. And Then mymom does. And I'm running really slow so I mom is all "RUN LIKE YOU MEAN IT!" So I'm digging deep and really trying to run fast and I get to the car and try to get into the back but my idiot brother got back there and is fighting with my other brother so I'm like "ARGH THEY ARE RIGHT BEHIND US I GOTTA GET IN!" and my brother tells to just sit in the front, and then I notice that the front door was open. So I hope in and my mom runs around and gets in, and I turn and look and there's this large group of zombies lead by one of the subsitute teachers, whom I immmeadiatly know is suppose to be the judge. So my mom starts screaming "LOCK THE DOORS LOCK THE DOORS" So I lock mine and make sure the one behind me is locked too. And then the Judge is there and she tries to open my door and I'm freaking out because I think she's going to smash my door in. Me and my brother's are yelling at my mom to start driving but she can't get the car to start or something, and the Judge walks to the other side and tries to open her door and I freak out because I don't think the other one is locked and I'm trying to reach over and lock it but my mom is all "It's locked" So I stop trying. And the Judge can't open the door so she's like "Open the Door" and I'm all "Hey you aren't a zombie!" and then my gets the car going and we drive off. And Then I woke up. And I had the freaking Hustle stuck in my head. That and Thriller.
