Things We Said Today.

I had a the song stuck in my head but I don't know what it's called or how it really goes. But it's okay I'm already forgetting it JAJAJA.
School is tough beans dawg. PFFFT I said tough beans somany times today for no apparent reason. SPEAKING OF SCHOOL STUFF~ I friggin' hate Calc. I mean there's some easy stuff Like Newton's Method, and something else IDK what it's called. But most of it's hard and impossible. ALSO I ttly fail in spanish! Rehearsing? ?QUE ES ESTO? PFFT I can ttly just make it up as I go along. Man I have said PFFT alot. OH Speaking of Spanish I have a spanish club meeting tomorrow YAY! Other than math and spanish my school life is rather uneventful. OH we are doing a decade portfolio in engrish and I have to do the 20s! My partner is excited but I had my heart set on the fifties! I FRIGGIN' LOVE THE FIFTIES! Women at home being cooks, ROCK&ROLL, the second Red Scare. WHAT ISN'T THERE TO LOVE?! But no I get the 20s. FRGGIN JAZZ AGE AND POLE SITTING! BAH! *Mumbles and whines about it*
Today was my bros birfday (Sometimes I spell bad on purpose). He's 20 YAY! Mostly I'm happy because there was cake. The good Wal Mart kind with the whipped toppin'! YUM! But I'm sad because I ate alot today. LIke Steak and Potatoes, and donuts and cake... THIS IS WHY I'M TUBBY~ I just like bad food... I'll try harder....maybe....
That's it I guess. I want to draw but I don't know what. So... I probably won't draw anything.
