Something before bed.

Screw you Curus... Friggin' stuck in my head and I can't stip listening to it. It's so peaceful and makes me happy... well the Pop'n Cafe edition anyway... ------- I'm working on a wallpaper (WUT?!) because I'm sick of there never bein...

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I was sleeping on the couch today. To tired to do much of anything.I had a weird dream, but I only remember pieces of it. Like one of my classmates mom had just had a baby. I remember one part of it really well though. Me/Ichigo (From Bleach), som...

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Come On!

Come On, come On,come on...Wasn't that in the Bobobobobobobo theme song? I don't remember... ------ I woke up today (at 4pm) and was singing a song from my dream. LOL sadly I only knew two lines and the second one was made up after I w...

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Wide open fields....

I had a dream that I could fly. Like Peter Pan but without pixie dust... It was the coolest flying dream I have ever had. the last flying dreams I had were more of dreams when I was floating and died because I went outside and couldn't stop floati...

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