Pale Face

HUZZAH I FOUND IT~! YEAHS AND JOYS! So like WARNING: This story is creepy. ----------- ----------- God, I need to get this down. I need this knowledge out of my head. I&rsqu...

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So guys, my roommate got two fish... I want to call them Albert and Hasley. Because I'm a nerd~ But yeah, when she got the fish I was all "OMG UNCLE ALBERT~!" Because I remembered that I once named my fish on the Sims "Hasley". So I went and bought the song on iTunes and now I'm full of joy~! FFFF I love this song! (LOL It's Uncle Albert/Admiral Hasley by Paul McCartney btw) So now I'm listening to it over and over (like I do with most songs I buy from iTunes). LOL "Hands across the water~ Water~" FFF THIS SONG IS SO FUN GUYS~! LOL but no one will probably like it 'cause it's old~ *Has old taste*

OH AND GUYS... yeah guys. I'm thinking I'm going to major in Art. And be y'know and art major. AND LIKE I dunno. Because then I'm like "What will I do for a job" and I'm like "Write comics like a champ!" but then I'm all "NO ONE WILL BUY THEM AND YOU'RE TERRIBLE AT COMICS AND FAIL FAIL FAIL" As you can see my inner mind is pretty mean. But Like I haven't drawn anything in like forever... and like... I'm thinking of taking request... BUT for like really simple stuff... Like chibis. So y'all got any easy request that I could doodle out for you?

LOL that's it. Music makes me so happy guys. It's like the only thing I really need~

LOL the weirdest dream.

Was also kind of scary. Running away is actually really terrifying. BUT LET'S START AT THE BEGINNING (Or like in the middle since I don't remember the beginning... lol let's just start).

So Like I was dreaming. IDK I think I was with my family and we stopped at a convenient store... though that might have been a different dream. Anyway I end up in some school. But it's like a video-game school (I'm getting the feeling my brain wants me to play video-games). So I'm like walking around or w/e and there might be people with me I dunno. BUT LIKE It's a horror video game so I fight some zombies. And then I'm in this hallway with a bunch of lockers freaking out when I see.... Edward Cullen. LOL it was Robert Pattinson(that's his name yeah?) but my dream kept calling him Edward Cullen so that was his name. LOL BUT HE WAS A WEREWOLF. And He had his pack of vicious werewolf brethren. And he was all "LOL you gonna die" So I like panic and IDK What went down but somehow I got into this like locker-room/bathroom. And I was like "FFF WHAT AM I GONNA DO" because they were trying to break down the door and I was like "I'ma die I'ma die" When suddenly I remembered this dude talking about this video-game and this part specifically. So I did what he said to do with the door. But then he had said that you were suppose to open all the stall doors, stand in the middle of the room, and when the werewolves bust in lure them into the stalls and close them all, and then escape. Or something like that. Maybe you were suppose to hide in the the one closed one, and the others would close themselves...and the wolves would get confused and leave, and then you were safe. I DUNNO IT WAS SOMETHING DUMB LIKE THAT. But you had to do it at the EXACT RIGHT TIME or you'd die. So I opened all the stall doors except one. Remembered the time thing was like "FFFF" so instead I booked it into the shower area to hide. LOL then Edward and his gang burst in and Ed was all "I'ma get you~" And I was all "I'ma get ripped to shreds by werewolves!" So I was panicking trying to hide, when I noticed that the showers lead into the hallway that lead to saftey~ So I escaped. And I think all the wolves got trapped. And Edward was all "GDI GUYS! WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED! SHE WAS RIGHT HERE!!! FFF if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself..." So then he liked chased me after but I WAS GONE BROS. SO HE WAS LIKE "GDI" but then... It was like the future... and Edward was like "Ugh it's so bright out here" And he started walking around... but he couldn't hang out around dogs because they'd start barking like crazy because he was part wolf... And then I woke up.

It's really scary when you try to run away from something. ALSO LOL at Edward Cullen. Shows I watch too much TV seeing as I have never read/seen Twilight. Also he was a werewolf... THAT CRACKS ME UP TOO~

How to be "Good" at doing stuff like me.

LOL, so instead of studying for my German quiz, I'ma procrastinate... Because that's how you be a champ like me. LOL I was gonna call this "How to be 'Good' at school" or something along those lines. BUT W/E. Gather close guys because I'm about to give you some REALLY HELPFUL TIPS ON BEING A TOTALLY AWESOME CHAMP LIKE A CERTAIN SOMEONE YOU KNOW.

For School:
1)Have four older brothers who are either really bad at school, or do well in school, but not the best.
2)Have parents that are all "WHY ARE ALL MY CHILDREN FAILURES *SOBSOB*"
3)Pay attention in school
4)Procrastinate and do homework last minute.
5)Study only a little bit for test
6)Get all A's.

And that's about it. Really the most important thing is to go to class and PAY ATTENTION! If you pay attention in class you actually don't have to study as much and can be lazy. That's if you're me anyway. Some people still have to study like crazy. But not me. LOL I'm also the kind that learns from hearing people talk. Taking notes can be distracting for me, so I try not to... LOL I'm probably the only weirdo who likes lecture classes~

For IDK Art I guess:
2)Look at your competition all the time. Strive to be better than someone. Even if they don't know they're your rival.
3)Get some sweet jams. Not like food yo', like music. It helps get the creative juices flowing, and it's fun to rock out sometimes.
4)DRAW ALL THE TIME. Even when you don't want to. Draw squiggly lines. Draw smiley faces. Anytime you have any writing utensil in your hands you should be drawing. (Thus why taking notes because a problem for me)
5)Remembering all that staring at stuff you did... USE IT. Draw the things you stared at. Draw different versions of things you stared out.
6)After getting everything prepared come up with a super awesome idea. SOMETHING MIND BLOWING.
7)Sketch that out
8)Start coloring
9)Get bored/lazy and stop.

LOL that was kind of helpful for a bit right? That's basically what I do though. STARE, LISTEN TO TUNES, DOODLE, and then run out of steam. PFFT Sometimes if I avoid sketching I can get something half decent out... LOL ART GUYS It just happens.

Nothing guys... absolutely nothing. So like... I can't believe you would read this....


Ehehehehe,so I had trouble sleeping last night. I kept rolling around and waking up like every 30 minutes. I kept having weird dreams... But lol in between one of my sleep I was talking to myself to help me go back to sleep, and my brain was all "What does a blind person say to a deaf person?" and I was all "I dunno, what?" and it was all "Let me see your license!" And I was all "PFFFT LOL I GET IT! Because a deaf person can't hear and a blind person can't see... oh brain you're hilarious" so I forced myself to remember the joke because it was really funny, but then I was like "It doesn't make sense... why would a blind person want to see a license?" so I changed it to a blind police officer, and a deaf driver. Still not very logical but more logical than before. I guess it's not a really funny joke, but in my half-asleep state of mind, it was hilarious.

Well that's about it. Anybody got some funny jokes?