
I layed in the warm sunlight that spilled into the room. I was everyday I did this, for it was scarce in the winter time, expecially when it was this close to the Chinese New Year.

I, Yume Sohma, was the Year of The Rat. The last "cycle" had their curse broken, but it was only for them. My mother and father were surprised about me being the year of the rat. I was sick from the day I was born, so I constantly turn into the rat.

I looked out at the sun with my purple eyes. The sun light glinted off my silver hair. Being sickly most of the time, I couldn't go outside a lot. I long to go outside, most of the time. Later today, I was to meet some of the rest of the zodiac. Mom managed to bring me several pictures and told me their names. I paid attention to some of them, but the rest past me by.

I was mostly triggered by the cat, Zaphea Sohma. Unlike the picture of Kyo Sohma, the previous cat, she didn't have orange hair. I inquired my mother about this and she answered that Zaphea dyed it.

"She trains in martial arts," Mom said. I smiled slightly. I was good with martial arts, which I practiced for several hours a day with my instructor, Mizuki.

I might be happy, having something in common with the cat, but I really was scared and extremely nervous. I was the rat after all. I was sure just being that the Cat and the Cow will hate me, for my spirit had tricked them. I gave out a heavy sigh.

I hadn't been sick, so I was fit to go to the outing called by our clan leader. I was glad I wasn't so sickly, because my mother would have stayed home with me and took care of me, even though we had house nurses and maids. I was glad I always had my mother.

I closed my eyes and ran through the names of the other members of the zodiac. Then, I played the legend of the zodiac in my head. I played it again and again. Then on the third time playing it, I decided to change it up, where the rat hadn't decieved the cat and both went to the banquet. In the legend, would the "God" still leave out the poor cat? I wondered. Which animal was last, most likely.

The day past, it was time to go. I got up and dressed. I decided to where something simple, a simple white T-shirt and a pair of pants.

"Ready, madam Sohma?" asked one of the maids.

I nodded. I might as well get over it and just go. Then we were on our way.


Yume Sohma makes her grand appearence! *shot*
