
Name: Mikky Genova (Mik)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Race: human

Planet: Earth

Blood type: Very little body fat because he only eats
at school. strong

Height/Weight:5" 11 1/2'

Hair style/color: Black (I'll post picture)

Eye color: Black

Sexually Orieantation: strait

Personality: Pessimistic, gets in fights a lot, disrecpectful, can be nice to his friends, has gotton in fights over them. Uses drugs ocationally, smokes.

Clothing (on daily bases): tee-shirts, jeans, old lether jacket

Weapon: his fists

Element: fire

Past: Mik's mom was a teen mom and is neglectful. His father was abusive, but he ditched when Mik was in middle school. His mom started drinking and getting high a lot and ignoring Mik even more. Mik tried some of his mom's drinks and drugs and was soon hooked. His best friend at the time, Don, told him he was worried about him, and Mik got mad and beat him up. Mik hasn't liked him since. Mik met Jadyn when he and Don were fighting one day. They exchanged numbers and soon after started dating. Jadyn begged him to join the misc. group, and after Sharpie (a "friend") beat him up Mik did.

Friends: Jadyn, Annabel Lee, Dick, Alex, Rod, Lolita; Sometimes Don, Tyler, Drew.

Enemys: Sharpie

Mate: Jadyn, That-Bubbles-Candy-Person (yes, that is her name, long story.)
