Trap of the Silver Tongue

"Let me ask you this, Kita. Where do you belong?"

Kita kept her eye contact with Gin then suddenly broke it. Spinning around, she looked out to the large grass area under them as a long sigh escaped her. “I don’t know the answer to that question anymore.” She tilted her head slightly towards him, “I knew the answer a long time ago. Then all this happened.”

The silver reaper walked over to her and set a hand over her own.  "Then let me ask this instead," he murmured near her ear. He paused.  "What is the most important person to you?"

Kita searched her heart. She knew the answer without even thinking about it. She looked in Gin’s eyes once more and smiled. “Lord Ulquiorra.”

"And who does Ulquiorra-san serve?" Gin asked, grinning.

“Lord Aizen. Of course,” she replied.

"That's your first truth."

Gin held up his hand and then held up the other.

"If you belong at his side, why fight Aizen so much?  It makes your 'sense of belonging' something you're always going to be questioning. Is it really worth it?"

“So you’re telling me to except the fact that I am an arrancar and no longer a God. Even though I still have my godly powers and a heart now,” She said tilting her head as she looked to him then sighed. “I don’t fit in anywhere. Even though I am shunned here by a few of the Espada I feel more excepted here. Not out of place. It drives me crazy with trying to figure out where I belong.”

Gin lowered his voice, not at all perturbed by the shaking in her voice. "Sometimes for your own goals, you have to decide what battles to fight aloud, kid."

Kita looked quickly to Gin with what he said. What he said to her that second made more since to her than anything else he said. “You're right, I am here for a reason. I decided that reason when I did what I did to get away from Toshiro.” Her smile slightly on the devious side, as she looked to Gin. “I get it now. Thank you, Lord Gin.”

Gin smirked, a sninster light in his sky blue eyes.  "Glad to be of assistance, my dear."  He turned back to the view.  "If you want to talk more, you know where to find me," he said, offering her his arm once more. "Shall we return to your master before he gets worried?"

Kita sighed, "I am sure he is mad at me. I am always doing something to disappoint him. He is a hard man to satisfy.” She again linked her arm with his. “Let’s go. The longer I am the worse it will be with him.”

"Indeed," Gin acquisenced and led them back the way they had come, plan complete, for now.