Chapter 4

Dean arrived home at five that evening. His impala pulled up into the driveway just as I was crossing the road with the kids. My heart was pulse was racing, my palms were sweating and if given the choice between fight and flight – I knew exactually which one I would have chosen. Don’t get me wrong, informing Dean that his daughter knows about our past was a walk in the park; it was informing Angel that I was so worried about.

Dana ran and jumped into her dad’s arms before he even got a chance to close the car door, I remained behind hold am impatient Cobain.

“Did you have fun with Uncle Sammy today?” I heard Dean ask as I crossed the lawn.

As Dana opened her mouth to answer I quickly jumped in with my own.

“Oh yeah we all went to the park to play soccer. Very good fun.” Dana shot me a spiteful look,” Why don’t you take Cobain inside while I talk to your dad.”


“Please Dana, do as Uncle Sam says. You know what I said about respecting adults.”

I handed Cobain down to the child, slung the bag over her shoulder and smiled. She remained routed to the same spot, staring at us in confusion.

“Now!” Dean said fiercely and away she went,” What’s up Sammy?”

“Okay. Well you see --“My mind went blank,” Um…well. Sarah and I were having a discussion in the park today about if our kids ever found out about us hunting and we started to argue. Dana was supposed to be playing with her cousins…”

“Whoa… slow down. Now, you guys were talking about hunting and then what?”

“Dana over heard us talking. Now she is asking questions. “

Dean sighed, leaned back against his car and placed his palm to his forehead.

“I’m sorry Dean…”

“No, no she was going to find out someday. Just can’t believe it happens to be that day.” He lifted his head,” You know it’s not me you have to worry about, it’s Angel. When it comes to this she uses the power of PMS.”

He was right of course. To put it bluntly, Angel will rip my balls off, and if it weren’t for Sarah clearing off to work, she would probably rip her open too. That would make us both infertile.

“What do you think she will do to me?” I asked, I tried to contain the quiver in my voice.

“Only one way to find out…”

“What!!” Angel snapped, “You what!”

“It’s not their fault our daughter doesn’t know to mind her own business! We are obviously shit parents and should take all the blame!”

I remained at the door, well out of the way of this domestic. We had told her the whole story, unedited and uncensored. Dana, as far as we knew, as in her room and Cobain in the living room. My kids had joined us somewhere between the end of the story and the beginning of the fight; they were in the living room as well. Angel was sitting at the kitchen table in her large paint splattered shirt, glaring at me with all the kindness of a wet cat.

“This is not about our parenting skills! This is about Dana! She is too young to know about this. She’s freaking ten! Finding out where babies come from should be the extent of her worry!”

“We had this when we were ten!” Dean replied,” and the worry of where babies come from!”

“Yes, but this is our daughter! The one that sucks at school but tries anyway, the one that loves ‘AC/DC’ and plays guitar, the one that loves sand-papering jeans and helping me paint. Dean, this is our child. Do you really want her to grow up like we did?”

Dean was silent and so was I. I hated our child hood and I would give anything for our children never to have to face that.

“I refuse to explain to her. You and your fuck-wit brother and John can, but I am not going to be forever associated with ruining her childhood!”

Tears ran down her cheeks. Dean pulled her into a hug and she accepted with pleasure, which was surprising considering the amount of screaming she had been doing towards him. Ryan appeared at my side and started pulling on my shirt.

“Why auntie Ange crying?” He asked looking bewildered.

“She’s just a little sad is all?” I replied,” its okay.”

Kayla joined us in the kitchen. She walked over to Angel and dean.

“It’s okay Auntie Angel.”

Angel pulled away from Dean, scooped my daughter into her arms and held her tight. Kayla hung on to her, not daring to let go. I could feel myself choking up with emotion and retreated to the living, closely followed by Dean and Ryan.

“Well.” Dean sighed, sitting down on the couch,” That went well.”
