My Band Members and I just got finished with our first Band Elementary School Tours on Thursday, the 20th. Our next one is Monday, the day after tomarrow.

It was so much fun! I know that you probably think I am a geek for being in Band, but you are wrong. Most of my whole school is in Band, and we are not all geeks. Anyways, it was hilarious how little pre-schoolers would hug my knee! I'm too tall -.-

The kids loved it. We played Thriller, Can I have this Dance? (From High School Musical 3), Zeal, Don't stop believing, and Nirvana. (Nirvana was just the drum players and guitars, basically, though.)

The choir sang a few songs, but the kids liked the Band better. Ha!

The funniest part was when we went to eat. We ran across the street and then had to cut through some drive-thrus. People were staring at us. I'm sure we looked crazy - there was over a hundred of us, all in our Band Uniforms.

So, even though most of you probably don't care, I thought I would share that.

I play in the Symphonic (Advanced) Band and I am one of the main clarinets, just to let you know!

Well, back to more work and whatnot. Have a great day&night!

