After School Nightmare

Manga Name: After School Nightmare

Number of Volumes: 10, finished

Author and Artist: Setona Mizushiro

Age Scale: It says 16+ *coughbutimfifteencough*

You have just awakened to find your darkest secret revealed to a group of people who would do anything to destroy you: your classmates!
That's what happens to Ichijo Mashiro, whose elite school education turns into the most horrifying experience of his life when he's enlisted to participate in an after-hours class. The only way for Mashiro to graduate is the enter into a nightmare world where his body and soul will be at the mercy of his worst enemies. Can Mashiro keep the life-long secret that he is not truly a "he" nor entirely a "she"--or will he finally be "outed" in the most humiliating way possible?
(typed from the back of the first manga)

Personal Opinion: Okay, just throwing this out there, that summary sucks -____- The manga is MUCH cooler... Setona just sucks at summaries... Okay, so the first thing while your reading that summary is "omfg owo IT'S A HERMAPHRODITE!!" No. *shots you* You have to read the series to get it. I mean, yes, in away he is, but... I can't say much without spoiling... Anyway, my opinion. This is a very well drawn, and planed manga. Just fabulous. The characters were so different than what you usually see in mangas with perfect hero and beautiful heroine. Also the art style is unique in it's own way. Especially the coloring. The coloring just just beautiful in how it looks and also the slightly dark feeling you get from it. And how it's kind of sketchy in places. The plot was great, the only thing that I didn't like was the ending. The ending I guess wasn't bad, but I think it could have been much better. Also, another thing I could have done without is one or two of the volumes were kind of filler volumes or something cause the major plot stopped slightly, but still, it flowed very well.

1-5 Scale: 4.5

Where You Can Read: .:here:. or your library might have it :)

Interesting Notes:
-Since this is explained in the first manga, I thought I would talk about it a little, but don't read if you really think it'll spoil it, don't read. One of the interesting points is in the dreams, they become there "true forms, the forms that symbolizes there heart" Like Kureha, she acts happy but her form is much different that how she acts. You can act all you want in the real world, but when you dream then it shows who you really are pretty much.
