Battle Athletes Victory Restart Review

A legacy that didn't live up to the original.

An intergalactic sports tournament for women will decide the fate of the Solar System with the winner being declared the Cosmo Queen with the planet they represent gaining control of the solar system.
Kanata Akehoshi grows up to become an athlete with dreams of emulating her grandmother's achievements and the hope of helping Eva, a young girl she met in her youth, with rivals from all walks of life, Kanata will have her work cut out for her to take the title especially with conspiracies, sabotage, amnesia and terrorism to deal with.
This is a difficult show to really get into especially when this is a very loose sequel to the original, heavily implied and confirmed that Kanata's grandmother is Akari Kanzaki the lead from the original 90s anime, but while the 90s anime is very silly with minor hints of a semi serious plot, Restart is a mostly serious plot with minor hints of comedy.
The plot takes itself way too seriously with elements more suited to Gundam like the civil war on the Moon and even having Jeff as a charismatic detective does little to take away from the fact that this anime is a needless melodramatic mess that takes away the sporting side of this anime, it's a slog to get through.
Not seen the dub but prefer the sub.
Final Verdict: It's a poor sequel to an anime that has it's foundations in being a comedy so without it, it's just a melodramatic mess way out of it's narrative depth.
