Chio's School Road Review

The fact that I'm finishing anime is a good sign of my recovery from mental health issues, so let's dive back into reviews.

Chio describes herself as below average, she hates standing out and would find life more peaceful if she was left alone with her best friend and able to play western video games without drawing attention to herself, only problem is, those factors tend to make an average walk to school all the more strange as her gaming logic gets her out of the wild situations she finds herself in.
Chio's School Road isn't really the best at standing out, much like the character Chio, it presents itself as average but still gets a good laugh out of me through the unique scenarios.
The other problem is, episode one is the best episode, placing it's set pieces too early leaving nothing in reserve, I don't see many people finishing the series beyond the 2nd or 3rd episode let alone seeing the full 12 episode run.
Not seen the dub but would suit a dub.
Final Verdict: a pleasant anime with very little ambition but entertaining at least.
