Top 100 Worst Anime 40-31

Coming closer to the end, were almost there.

40. Kampfer
It could've worked but it's poor taste in fetishes not to mention some of the worst characters in anime makes this a shameless title.

39. Sword Art Online
This series abandoned a good idea to continue a power fantasy that got worse and worse as the seasons rolled by.

38. Demon King Daimao
A series that rips off better anime and does it poorly.

37. Love Live
Overrated piece of garbage devoid of any original ideas.

36. Midori no Makibao
An ugly gonk series devoid of dignity with it's unfunny attempts at constant toilet humour.

35. Yume De Aetara
One of the most frustrating romance anime I've ever watched.

34. Vampire Knight
The anime equivalent of Twilight.

33. Blood-C
This title is only going to get worst, it's world is so crappy, Coronavirus looks better in comparison.

32. Twinkle Nora Rock Me
A laughably bad unfinished anime series featuring some hilariously bad animation.

31. Sailor Victory
Any series that makes misogynists have a good point is a serious red flag.
