Xanadu Dragon Slayer Densetsu Review

Well that was terrible

Fieg is part of a NATO combat unit until he gets thrusted into a fantasy world, with his team slaughtered he ends up crashing his mech and losing his memory. About a year so later he joins a princess in stopping an evil sorcerer who can summon monster armies at will with only the Legend of the Dragon Slayer capable of stopping him. Fieg reunited with his mech, sets out to destroy the sorcerer with Dragon Slayer Sword in hand.
This is terrible, I don't know who was put in charge of this but they clearly never heard of consistency of tone before. It's obvious they were looking for a dead serious dark fantasy but the lead characters act like children and it's hard to take them seriously when they goof off especially not long after quite a dramatic scene of death and destruction made even harder by the utterly poor music choices. Then the villains lose all dignity when the sorcerer becomes a tentacle monster and that's all folks you've just gone off the rails.
No dub, no problem, we don't want it.
Final Verdict: A dark fantasy that keeps leaving the lights on, structured poorly and incapable of keeping it's tone with poor music and even poorer characters. It's terrible don't watch it, game might be better?
