Gundam Seed Destiny Review

Kind of a sequels theme going as next is Gundam Seed Destiny.

Two years after the war ended, rumblings among both sides threaten to start another war when ZAFT's new mobile suits get stolen by a terrorist group under the Earth Alliance, however the crew of the Minerva also discover rogue ZAFT troops attempting a colony drop on Earth, with actions on both sides aggravating each other a new war starts with the Minerva in the center and Shinn Asuka being the focus as he attempts to get over losing his family during a battle in season 1.
It's more of the same as season 1 but while Kira Yamato at least had something to work with, Shinn Asuka is a serious downgrade as he's the worst protagonist since Kamille Bidan, he won't stop whining and the impact of his loss gets weaker with every viewing, it makes for difficult watching when he's on screen but at least Athrun and Kira are around to make up the weakness as well as a decent supporting cast, dub is as good as before and it still kept it's core values but Shinn Asuka is a huge challenge to look pass.
Final Verdict: A strong story led by a weak protagonist, if you stick with it, you can enjoy it but if you can't because of Shinn, I don't blame you
