Shinzo Review

This month I'll be looking at creators before they were famous, seeing what they made in the past to put food on the table before they became famous for their creation. So try and figure out who was responsible for this.

Shinzo or Mushrambo in Japan tells the events of Journey to the West through a post apocalyptic setting as Yakumo the last human in existence must find the hidden sanctuary of Shinzo hoping to save the remnants of the human race, joining her is a band of Enterrans, genetically engineered beings made to survive the extinction of the event that killed off humanity, join Yakumo in her journey to Shinzo.
Our band of heroes is Mushra, Sago and Kutal who can fuse into the hero Mushrambo along with a group of kittens and Hakuba a robotic horse.
If you were to gauge the time period with all the kids anime like Digimon, Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh, you'd forgive Foxkids for looking for a show that pretty much combines it all, yes even cards, but this show is a bigger mess for it.
It's easy to lose your marbles watching this as much of the cast feels pretty useless especially when Mushrambo gets summoned which is a shame as they are fairly interesting characters; as for Yakumo, her bad case of damsel in distress gets tiring after the first few episodes, I realize she's a target and supposedly she has fabulous secret powers but it's difficult to support a female character who can't do anything and constantly makes the same bad judgements.
The other issue is the story and how it ends as both differ dramatically between manga, anime and even translation meaning it's hard to conclude which one is superior.
Dub is passable for a FoxKids anime.
So who made this? Izumi Todo, the creator of the Precure franchise, the most popular magical girl series in Japan.
Although I find it ironic that her female characters went from useless damsel to magical girls who could fight saiyans given the chance.
Final Verdict: It's not terrible per say but the story easily derails the series and established characters in the grand scheme of things are actually pretty useless.
