Top 100 Anime 60-56

Some big names are going to start dropping so keep an eye out for your favourites.

60. Full Metal Alchemist
A series that can make you feel every emotion going and every action has weight to it, the only reason it's not higher is the treatment the original series gets.

59. One Piece
The ultimate pirate adventure that seemingly never ends, a shonen classic through and through.

58. Gurren Lagann
The epic that went one step beyond and broke the very cosmos, and it feels oddly human in it's message.

57. Medabots
With better treatment this could easily go further but I best remember it as the first dubbed kids TV anime in the west not afraid to be proud of it's Japanese background. Not to mention Metabee is awesome.

56. Restaurant to Another World
A series that showcases fantasy characters eating in a real world restaurant, it's easily the best anime about food and the interactions between it's stellar cast of characters, I only wish this was longer.
