The Endless Wardrobe J

Welcome to my semi regular news section, Endless Wardrobe, a post for things that don't need a full post.

So What am I Working on?
Walk of Fame should finish off it's current theme of Chinese Heroes.

Back on Retro Retrospective we have....
A top ten list with a Japanese theme, if that sounds weird, there's a reason for it and you'll see why.
Anime reviews for Rune Soldier & Creamy Mami.
Dirty Pair week won't be until late August at the earliest.
Kyatto-Ninden Teyandee review is also in the works.
The promised video game feature is on hold.
Shezow is cancelled until further notice.
Cartoon Vault will be welcoming two more entries.

On Victory Script
Ballard of Goldena Moonlight has begun as well as Pokemon Behind the Anime.
Keima Katsuragi vs the World is in planning stage.
First anime ads will be posted hopefully in two days.
Victory Script story will hopefully start soon.
My OC will be introduced with other characters very soon.
There's also a special short story fanfic on the 3 Kingdoms.

Now for some bad news
Well it's not bad, it's just that I'll be away from 7th August until the 13th, so you can see why I have so much planned, for the next week or so.

And now just for fun
Here's a picture of Chibi Squid Girl

Slow news day an all.
