Shores of Edlyn [Part 1]

May 27th, 2404

For once, I woke up on my own. My mother would usually wake me up with the smell of spiced french toast. That was my favorite in the mornings…and a recipe of her own. However, this time, I smelled nothing…heard nothing, and felt a sudden chill of fear. I walked downstairs into the deserted kitchen. In fact, the whole downstairs seemed to be without life. I walked back up the stairs heading towards my mothers room. I got to the top to discover my mother lying there motionless and covered in cuts…cuts that would prove to be fatal. I never saw a dead human. I was emotionless, without a thought, and without a care. Though, I wish I wasn’t. It couldn’t be helped. I always thought that when someone died, it meant that it was their time, no matter what the circumstances were. So, in a way, I guess I was happy for her. And concerning my father, he was killed 15 years ago as he stepped outside one night to take out the trash. I was only two. Then I remembered something my mother once told me, “Hold true to your life, Meena, don’t let go of hope. Always forgive others and do what you can to make others happy.” I don’t know why this memory occurred to me.

I went about my day the same as always, walking the shores of Edlyn wondering when my time would come. The sun was beginning to set and a slight breeze picked up. I continued walking on. Then I seen someone sitting on the beach with their head in their knees, as if they were upset or crying. I couldn’t stand the thought of or see anyone in pain. It was too much for me. There was a feminine figure I could see about her. I walked up to her and stopped no more than five feet away. Silence. I’ve never seen her before around here. Seconds past and she looked up, soundless, tears trickling from her eyes. She was…beautiful… and full of elegance and purity. She smiled at me and opened her mouth as if to speak. Nothing was said. She then went back to the way I found her…depressed. Who was she and what could be so sad?

I kneeled down beside her and noticed the linings of silver gleaming within her long black hair. With the help of the wind, it moved swiftly, as if it was dancing to the sweetest melody.

“Whats your name?” I asked her.

She looked up at me, staring into my eyes with so much sadness. She wouldn’t even try to speak this time. Once again, she returned to loneliness. What was wrong with her?

“Are you okay? Please, tell me whats wrong.” I was beginning to beg.

I decided to sit next to her and stare into the distance of the seas, watching the sunset.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” I asked, knowing I would receive no response.

Then she looked up and peered into the sunset. She turned her head and looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. She glanced once more into the horizon. We both watched the day die and darkness fall. It was very romantic for me and I think it was for her also. Neither of us moved. We just sat there where the waves broke and watched the moonlight glisten upon the calm seas. Suddenly, she took my hand and held it within hers. I looked into her eyes and seen the moon shine. There were no tears to be found this time. For the first time in my life, I felt accepted, but more than that, there was a feeling of love.

“My name is Meena.” I said to her, breaking the silence.

Suddenly, the smile she held for so long vanished. Is it possible she has no name? Who exactly is she and why can’t she talk? These questions would not leave me. Would she be offended if I asked her something like that? I wanted…no…needed answers.

“Will you please just say something?” I began to cry.

She looked at me and noticed my tears. She placed one of her hands on my leg and the other on my face, as if she was holding something precious. Then, she reached over and licked away the tears. I didn’t know what to do. She suddenly stopped and smiled. She then reached forwards and starting to write something into the wet sand with her hand. She stopped and again gave me a smile of hope. With the help of the moonlight I was able to make out what she had written.


Accept me? This girl… she reminds me so much of myself. But who exactly is she? I was about to speak and then she wrote something else into the sand.


She gave me a look of regret and then wrote again.


I was in disbelief. What was she saying? Kill me? Was she serious? What felt like a dream at first was now becoming a nightmare.

“I can’t…kill you.” I paused for a second. “I love you too much.”

What was I saying? Was that even me speaking? I hardly know the girl and I love her? But wait… I did love her. I loved her from the moment she first smiled at me. I knew deep down, I never wanted to part with her. She looked at me as if she was pleased. She again, reached over onto me and kissed me..slowly…heavenly. I enjoyed it. With that, she smiled at me again. Each smile that she gave me made me forget about the world and only think about us.

For the first time since our encounter, she stood up, another smile, and stepped into the moonlight. She held out her arms as if she was going through some kind of initiation. Her hair danced once more as she spun around in circles. Was she dancing now? She stopped, facing away from me. She seemed to be staring into the skies.

And then in a moment’s flash, she became a figure of sand and was carried away with the breeze into the ocean. I didn’t know how to react. It might just be a nightmare afterall. However, if that was the case, it would be a pleasant that I still would not want to awaken from.

Then a shape emerged a few feet out in the sea and stood still. It was her. Even though it was nothing but a white light, I knew it was it her. She hovered towards me holding out her arms to me, inviting me to come along. I would obey willingly. I took hold of her hands and she instantly became a physical being again. She pulled me out to sea. I was standing on water. It was amazing. We were so far out I could barely see land, but I didn't care. When we stopped, she smiled at me and placed her arms around my waist, her hands caressing my back. I did the same to her.

I looked all around me and seen other figures emerging from the seas, encased with a brilliant white light. They were all paired up with another. And they were all so beautiful... like angels. Who were they? Then, I heard the creatures of the sea begin to create music. It was so natural. We danced across the seas with the others endlessly. We didn't need words to convey feelings for each other or to understand one another. Then I heard a voice that stood out from the others. It sounded like the whales singing... but they were saying something.


The woman I had fallen for smiled at me and nodded.

Sora? Is that...your name? I asked.

She smiled.

To be continued...
