Inspired by the Uchiha Clan

"Sasuke's Song"

Once upon a clear and pale moon
I lived a happy quiet life among the leaves but I had no idea, the shadows they cast would silently swallow me up one day

So I lived and learned to love
So I lived and learned to hate
So I lived having pride ~ became an inferior egomaniac

to my surroundings I was only one, to me - vengeance have replaced everything
My friends and the beautiful love that could be
I burn my bridges proudly
I am the KING of my own life and of my own death
I have fangs that bite and mine are so much deadlier than the likes of you and your views or ways
I am one again with what I lost and I push pain to the brink of its own demise
The shadows of the leaves that I never noticed before have shaped me into who I am

So I live for power
So I live for my undeniable truth
So I live to prove my ways are far better than you

You already know, I am far more than willing to burn this whole world to the ground
Just to allow everyone to have a little taste that is my pain
And I call it purification of the Uchiha Clan

words by Kyoshiro Elric

*the words are meant to represent different phases of Sasuke's life*


You thought you were so right but I knew you were so wrong
You thought you had eternal insight and called all of your petty views 'reality' and once upon a clear and pale moon, I once believed in you (Sasuke)

now we're all dancing with the devil who continously fuel the flames of a seemingly justified hatred I can only wish that people stop the destruction, the manifestation of what their actions have wrought and see the blood and enemy for what and who they are


I take my life to set you free but betrayal is ingrained so deeply that even my most warmhearted feelings seem feeble and futile in comparison, it pains me to the brink of my death, what we have become (Itachi)

I hate myself more than you and I love you above everyone else but you called me a traitor when I'm the only real loyal one here and all that I have sacrificed has gone in vain

Now......I just don't need it anymore, forgiveness, shame or honor I am just myself

I will not accept defeat until I am sure of victory or at least we will leave carnage in our wake young one, believe me this is how legends are made, this is how we shall live and this is how we extract our revenge (Madara)

vengeance for the Uchiha Clan


words by Kyoshiro Elric

*this one doesn't have a title but more interestingly, I tried to write it in Sasuke, Itachi and Madara's POV.
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