An Anime Christmas Year...

An Anime Christmas Year 1: A Christmas Carol

MisfitsAudio is proud to present this season to you the classic tale of A Christmas Carol written by myself. The heads at MisfitsAudio are not familiar with anime, but since I have joinned them as a writer, I have exposed them more to it. When I first converted my story to script, there was a big bustle about a Canadian University using it to put it on as a play in the style of old radio theatre!

We just finished and released producing this online, so everyone can give a listen and enjoy some Christmas anime cheer! Even if you are not familiar with all the characters involved, if you enjoy animated personalities, you can enjoy this like staff involved that before did not even know what anime was.


Written, Edited, & Directed by Refi-chan
Post-Produced by James Smagata

Music Credits
Christmas Classics arranged by Lex De Azevedo performed by the London National Philharmonic Orchestra, ‘God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen’ performed by Dio

Sound Effects Credits
James Smagata

Featuring the Voice Talents of
Sheldon as Narrator
InuKai as Hiei
Dan Conlin as Trunks, Young Grown and Old Hiei, Yugi
Midori Boushi as Joey, Goku, Kenshin, Zelgadis, Yomi
squiglypig as Vegeta, Ayame
Mippa as Sasami, Megumi, Tea, Amelia, Martina
Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard as Yukina, Arisa, Ryoko, Cheer Bear
Refi-chan as Karou, Mai, Hiyono, Sheena
Ellie Cleereyn (Hatomikazuki) as Mukuro, Momiji, Shippo, Hana, Tender Heart
Seancicle as Kurama, Shigure, Eyes
Gareth Bowley as Pumba, Tristan, Zelos
James Wetuski as Timon, Jakken
Captain John Tadrzak as Hatori, George, Sano


Following pages have the original script that I wrote before with a fraction of the pictures I had made for the written story. {Full Pictured Version Listed Here} Plus the written story has an extra ending scene, the new character introduced in it was from MyO!