Cartoon Cops Dating Service

Raven and Kurama have just found Sally Sue disgruntled outside of where the Malt Shop used to stand. Dizt, the alien that impersonated Hiei has disappeared, but the duo are wondering why their boss was nearby.

Sally Sue: Well, uh… *suddenly straightens self up and looks picture perfect rather than just have surviving an explosion* Being your first case, naturally I came to make sure the two of you were okay. Had you been in real danger, I would have blown MY cover to rescue you two! Just part of my duty being one of the CC and all! HAHAHA *victoriously laughing w/ fanged teeth*

Raven: You’re not another fake are you?

Sally Sue: What me? *pointing to self in anime style of an accused but innocent young woman* Nonono! Of course not! Eh…rumor has it he went to a theater to watch the latest romantic movie released…Forbidden Honey… wait, *suddenly takes on a manner of depression* it would do little good for you to go after him now.

Kurama: What do you mean?

Sally Sue: *resuming professionality* Now that he knows you are after him, I will have to reassign new spies to the case.

*Kurama and Raven look at each other*

Kurama: It still bothers me that this Ditz character would be familiar enough with Hiei to mimic him so well.

Raven: So what are you going to do about it? We got released from the case.

Kurama: We can still go with our approach of questioning his co-stars about his personal information. If anything, it may help the next pair placed on the assignment.

Raven: >.> Or you just want an excuse to earn some pradingoms. {Note to audience: Remember no cartoon can resist them, even mature serious ones like these two}

Kurama: As do you *smile and nudge*

Raven: *flatly* True.

Raven: So are you going to make the tree bend over or shall I levitate us up to them?

Kurama: Be my guest.

*Raven chants a black disc below her and Kurama and it raises them so they face the doorway of the Rescue Ranger’s home with the limb for the walkway between them*

Kurama: Instant elevator, nice.

Raven: *half smiles* *knocks-knuckles barely the width of the door*

*The door opens and Chip, Dale, Gadget, Monterey Jack, and Zipper come out and look at the guest who just stare at them in silence*

Kurama: Go ahead Raven, you knocked.

Raven: I’d rather not, this was your idea.

*The Rangers look quizzically at the two visitors*

Kurama: *ahem* Yes. Excuse our interruption, but we were on a case to find a character from your cartoon named Ditz that has been missing. We were wondering what you could tell us about him.

Dale: *squeaksqueakysqueaksqueaksqueaky!*

Chip: *squeak squeak squeak*

Raven: What?

Rangers: *making more rodent noises*

Dale: WellseefirstImethimwhilevisitingEarth, thenheofferedformetocheckouthisspaceship andIwaslike “WOWie ZOWie” AndIgottaflyaroundinhis ship *makes space blurbing noises* thentheseotheralienstriedtomakemeeatthesenastyoozyoneeyedcreatures XP BLECH!

Chip: But it was thanks to those things that finally let us know who the real Dale was and who was the fake, before his friends decided to blow up our planet.

Monterey Jack: Too right! Now what were those things called again?

Gadget: I think it was Burk Urgels? No. That’s not right…maybe they were Irk Burgers?

Zipper: *high inaudible squeak* Urk-Burgels

Kurama: *sigh* Apparently in this cartoon, humans can not comprehend animal speech.

Raven: So what do we do now?

*All the Rangers assume thinking poses*

Kurama: Find a supporting role that is human.

*Suddenly {as bg music for rodents being ingenious starts up} Chip has a bright idea and runs back into the tree, Kurama and Raven wonder what he’s up to and tilt their heads over to peer inside, letting their foreheads touch. There is a whistle from inside and the rest of the rangers go inside as well, a moment later, they come back pushing a giant, black, old-fashioned type writer. The scene focuses on Kurama’s and Raven’s stunned faces so no one can see how the big object made it outside to the limb through the small doorway-not to mention that with the different camera angels, no one will notice that the limb has become wider so there is plenty of space for the typewriter with the rangers around it. Zipper flies out with a piece of paper and drops it into the machine, then Chip and Dale hop onto the key board and start pawing around typing on it. When it reaches the end of the line, Monterey Jack heaves towards it to push it back to the beginning of the line and Gadget turns it to start the next line. They continue this process while Kurama and Raven muse over them. When the page is done, Chip and Dale hop off the keyboard on the final ‘ding’ and Gadget turns it the rest of the way, so Raven can easily pick up the piece of paper to read it*

Raven: *eyes scan back and forth over page* … Too bad they don’t know how to spell.

Kurama: *examines the page* Unless we sever the two messages from the two typers apart from one another

*In the background Chip hits Dale on the head and the Rangers chatter in Rodent-speech while Kurama and Raven are musing over the crypted note. Out of nowhere, an intense gust of wind ushers in Professor Nimnul’s theme music as it blows the note out of Raven’s hands. They only eye the paper floating off for a moment before they take off after it-Raven flying and Kurama sprinting. The frame freezes while the music ends on a dramatic note.*

To Be Continued…

{Hope you enjoyed this exciting chapter! I enjoyed the research to make it possible ^_~ }