
So I've got this manuscript that I've been working on for three years. Some people know that, some don't. Anyway, I just had it workshopped by the writing club that I'm apart of. One of the comments that I got was: "I saw it kinda like an anime." All of a sudden everyone chimed in with stuff like "Yeah" and "I didn't want to say anything but...," etc.

Is there a certain way of writing that makes it sound like an anime? I can't really tell. Unless there's some sort of knowledge beforehand and I know that later on, this will become a manga or an anime, or was written after one of them, then yeah, that paints the perception.

Maybe it's a name bias. You throw in a Japanese name somewhere and all of a sudden it becomes the script of an anime? I don't know. I talked to my writing teacher about it and she said it was just a thing, not good or bad, just a thing. She thought that, because I read a lot of manga, it rubbed off on me.

I wonder if this is like when you read a large book and then afterwards you write, think, and speak like the author.

I don't know. Their comments kind of freaked me out though ("W-WHAT?! It sounds like an ANIME?!"). I don't know if I should take them as compliments or not. Not like sounding like a manga/anime is a bad thing, I suppose. Maybe I'm just too much of a closet case and having someone point that out sort of scares me.

