Looong Weekend

Got back from my brother's baseball tournament today. It was an all weekend affair. They played at their usual. They're not a great team but they tried, and I guess that's really all you can realistically ask for. The tournament was in my grandma's town, so we took her home at the same time. It worked out well.

I've been moving all of my stuff from the old computer (that can't connect to internet and has no USB port) onto my laptop. Lots of hours of typing. I recently copied "For the Love of Cosplay" onto my laptop. It was one of those things where you think, "Did I actually write this?" That was written really badly. So I've been brain-storming like crazy on how to redo it. But I took a hiatus on writing for the summer. Hopefully things were ferment enough that I can write decently come fall. Ha ha.

Beat FFXII. The ending was REALLY easy. And really, the ending was the only part that I liked. The plot for that game just didn't grab me. So I started playing Shadow Hearts of the New World. Weird game. Let me give an example. There's this one character, named Frank, who I think is European guessing by his accent. But he's a ninja. His master is a giant cat named Mao (a Chinese ninja?). And guess where the school is based in? South America. Like I said, weird.

In other news, I'm applying for two jobs. Wish me luck!

Hope you all are well.
