
My grandma is out of the hospital and is living with my aunt for a week. She seems to be doing alright. Yet I always feel a little strange approaching her. It actually feels a lot like approaching my other grandma who has Alzheimer's. Like I'm afraid of breaking her. If she knew that's how I felt, she'd get all indignant.

My parents are nagging me for a second job. That's the first thing that my mom says to me when she comes home. All I can think of is, "You've been gone all day and that's all you can say to me?" I guess I can't really complain. There could be worse things in my life. And I suppose that I can't blame them or anything, since my mom is losing her job. And I don't really mind working. I actually get bored really easily, so a job might be nice. It's just interviewing that I really hate. It just seems to be a vomit of self-serving lies. Maybe that's putting it too harshly. Oh well.

Hope you aren't melting away in the heat, everyone. Stay cool.
