
It's been a while since the con, and for some reason I feel I should give some kind of report (why? You're not a journalist anymore, remember?). I guess it's just out of habit.

We ended up having a half day the day the con started because it was the end of quarter so a friend and I (along with my mom and aunt) drove up. We got there later than expected so I missed out on a few things but it was okay. I felt really bad because my family and friend were just sitting out in the lobby watching people. They said that they enjoyed it (except my cousin, who is rather frightened and distrubed by the crazy otaku) but I still felt guilty.

Saturday was the day that my friend had a pass so we stuck together for the entire day (I was the chaperone anyway). I really enjoyed theO meet-up (I bet you can guess which con I went to), since it was my first time, and look forward to seeing everyone again next year.

Sunday was most liberating. I didn't have anyone to really worry about so I got to do whatever I wanted. I really got to strike out on my own this year (last year we were only there for five hours) and experience a lot. It was great fun.

Spring Break started right after that and I'm sure that it was the most boring time of my life. I had absolutely NOTHING to do. I even contemplated not even bothering to get out of bed. Usually I'd play video games or something but our VCR ports (you know, where you plug in your game console) doesn't pick up video feed anymore. My dad has refused to pay to fix it because money is tight and the economy isn't that great right now. So for the majority of break I sat and watched my cats sunbathe.

Towards the end of the weekend, I got started on a cosplay. When you have something to do, you really gain some focus in your life. Or at least, that's what I think (my life is pathetic). So I'm very slowly working on that. I've been deliberately drawing it out so that I have something to do when I get home other than sleep.

However, exams are less than a month away and if I was smart I'd be cramming. Of course, I'm not. Maybe I will after I run out of distractions....which shouldn't be far off. Yay, exams.

I hope you all are well and are occupied (in a good way). Till next time!
