Spring Term

I'm sorry that I'm not around a lot, everyone. But it seems that everyone is really busy...so I guess it's mutual.

Spring term has gotten into full swing and even though it's really draining, I enjoy it for the most part. Just wait, I'll hate it later on....

So I know that I kept babbling on about how I was going to get new art on here and blah blah blah but there have been difficulties. 1) My friend is incredibly lazy and it took FOREVER and a ridiculous amount of pestering to get him to send them to me. 2) There's something weird with the file so every time I try to upload, it says "please select a file." >.< So frustrating. Maybe I will try another friend's scanner and hope that it works better.

I've slowly come to realize that I draw whatever I'm feeling. And since my state is perpetually exhausted, I always draw sleeping people or people who also look tired. It's rather sad, really. At least I think so. I should branch out.

In other forward-thinking things....I have two musings planned for sometime in the future so if you pay attention to those, please keep watch. It's all just a matter of time.....

I hope you all aren't too busy. Keep your head above water and you'll be okay! Or something like that. Till next time!
