It's Break Time!

I know I keep saying I'm going to put more art up and I never do. I should stop lying to you guys. Sorry. Eventually I will get around to it....probably not until January. I'm really sorry!

I keep losing stuff in my house. It's really weird. So far I've lost three pieces of art. Am I going crazy? That's what I keep thinking. I swear I put it right there....It's one of those things, you know?

The anime club at my school, we just finished watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It's one of my personal favorites but it also got my other non-otaku friends totally hooked. Actually, one of them bought me the first volume of the manga for Christmas and asked to borrow it after I was done. It really amuses me how into it she is.

Anyway, winter break has officially started. I really look forward to the time off, even though I've got a final that's due tomorrow that I should really start on....I hope you all enjoy your own breaks!
