News Flash!

Where I'm living right now, the walls are all concrete. You'd think that concrete walls would deaden sounds. Nope, sound comes through loud and clear. Doesn't make any sense. And it wakes me up in the morning all the time. >.<

Well, I thought I'd just let you know that new stuff has appeared on theO from me. Isn't that exciting. A bunch of fan art will be coming out in the next week or so, I've got comics up, and a new musing, if you haven't read it yet. Please check it out.

Otherwise, I'm doing alright. Mid-terms are all done and nothing's out of the ordinary as far as school is concerned. My sleeping pattern has been all over the place though so I'm really tired during the day. I should try harder to go to bed at a decent time.

Well, I hope you are all well. Till next time.
