Dead like Leaves

Well, actually the leaves here aren't dead yet. They haven't hardly even changed color yet. Everything is about a month late this year. I wish it would rain.

Anyway, theO seems pretty dead these days. Not many of my friends (if any) are updating on any given day. It's a little depressing. No pressure, you guys; I'm just lonely. Ha ha. If I'm able, I plan on sending a little stimulous into the system. Turns out all of my friends have scanners that I can now aquire very easily. Maybe I'll go steal one from someone sometime soon and get some of my stuff out there again (too many "s"'s in that sentance). That'd be exciting.

As for me, things have changed a lot, I suppose. School's started up again. Already I'm tired of it and just want to go home all the time. It's only my second week for crying out loud! I haven't had TOO much free time lately and already I find myself drowning in homework. Procrastination is a hard habit to break. Sigh.

Well, I hope all of you (if you end up actually reading this) are well in your absences. I'll try to update a little more regularly (though I don't know what I'll write....we'll figure that out later). Hope to see you all soon.
