Checking In and Other Things

For the first time in my life, I've gotten a bad grade in a class based on personal reasons. You would think that would be beneath people. But no. I got told today by my teacher that I received a bad grade because I "baffled" him. I should be more pissed off right now but I can't help wanting to laugh--his reasoning is ridiculous.

Anyway, how are you all? Feels like it's been a long time. Can't say I've been up to much, despite how busy I've gotten all of a sudden. I've narrowed my thesis now and have started my project in earnest. I wonder if I could do a fan panel at a convention with this project...? As con gets closer, that's what I've been thinking about. That, and costuming.

Other than that--there's been a lot of drama with money and friends (not a good mix) but I will spare you that. The weather has been alternating between snow, rain, and sun for the past couple of weeks. Hopefully, though, we are though the snow portion of the year. Work has been extremely lax lately too. We're working on a very small show right now (opens this week). I don't even know if I'll even need to go in this week....The break is nice though. By "break" I mean not having to feverishly be working and having the boss all stressed out. I like it.

Until next time, all.
