Weather, Make up your Mind Already!!!

So tired of this inconsistant weather. Either it's freaking cold, overcast and muggy, or hot and sunny. No me gusta....

Summer has been going as per usual. The scramble to find a job has been kicked up a notch in desperation due to my living situation come September. It feels like there are more job positions available but nothing has worked out yet, unfortunately.

Worked myself through four books already. Read Hunger Games. Anyone read that? It's all the rage right now, I guess. A pretty good book. Check it out if you can. Right now I'm reading Heat Wave, to nurse my withdrawl from Castle for the summer. I've only got fifty pages left though....I'll probably finish that tonight.

What else have I been filling my days with? Summer homework--lame. Worked on cosplay a little bit. Finished the undershirt. Can't really do much else at the moment otherwise. I need to go see if I can lighten my main piece because when I dyed it, it came out too dark. I can move on from there when I get that done but after that, I'll just have to figure out logistic stuff about what I want things to look like and debate with myself about spending more money over the summer.

Also playing lots of Zelda. I really do love that game. I also love how every time I play it, I learn something new. My brother has been playing one of the old ones, you know, the 8-bit kind. He's actually made some headway so I'm thinking I'll try my hand at that one after I finish with good ol' Ocarina of Time.
