
I'm writing this rather than study for my test tomorrow.

It hasn't been the greatest month, March. If you remember from my last post, my friend died. Funerals are usually my closing point but for this death I had a harder time. Maybe it was because we were close, maybe it was the circumstances of his death. Regardless, I've managed to work myself past it somewhat.

It didn't help that Japan's earthquake and tsunami happened shortly after that. That whole affair was like a slow-release capsule of sadness. At first it didn't hit me how bad it was. I've studied earthquakes so I know how much power an 8.9 has. Then I thought of my family and friends in Japan, the exchange students here, and the huge scale of it all. It pisses me off that relief has been so slow and died off so quickly in the media. We're under the delusion that because Japan is affluent, they can take care of themselves. But a natural disaster is a natural disaster, no matter where it is and Japan suffered two and are still feeling high magnatude aftershocks. The Japanese exchange students here organized quickly and were able to raise $3000 in four days. I'm very proud of them.

Spring Break starts next week but it doesn't really exist for me. I'm taking a road trip class over break. Should be fun, and interesting. But giving a presentation about a place you've never seen is really difficult.

Con is coming up soon too (yay!). Sadly though, I will not be cosplaying this year. I probably have the time to finish it, just not the money. Living paycheck to paycheck really REALLY sucks, you guys. So, no dice. Guess it'll just be something to table until next year. I'm still super excited for con though.

Wow, I feel like I've complained through this whole post.

In other things, I've fallen in love...with the new electric van at work. It's awesome and way better than the old clunkers we were driving before. It's my new favorite thing. That, and pigeons.

Also, the crows are in full swing for making nests. I will try to stay clear of the library area for a while.
