Event Full

Hm. I wonder how I should write this post...Good news first or bad? ...We'll do good news first 'cause I don't want to get into depressing things right away. Okay.

Saying that, I can't really think of the good things I was going to say....Crap. Um, well, work is going good. A show is coming up in the next two weeks and somehow I ended up as the designated Wig Master. How did that happen?! Not that I mind, I guess. There are three large puppets in this show. They're pretty awesome. They've been designed to look like child-versions of the actors who are playing them. I was putting their wigs on them yesterday and people kept walking by and freaking out. It's a sign of a job well done!

Our guest speaker for Anime Club is coming on Friday. We're all excited about it. I'm concerned that we'll end up with more people than we anticipated and run out of snacks! That would be bad....Hopefully it will go well though.

Castle was awesome this week. Two near-death experiences in one episode! Yep, that's a good one. I hope they give us a new episode next week.

Also, I'm super excited for con this year, you guys! I don't know why but I suddenly really can't wait for it to happen. (Oh, I've got to get my cosplay done before then.) Actually, they're having a high fashion show this year and I'm thinking about applying to be a model. Is that a crazy idea for someone with bad stage fright? Yes but I'm still considering it. I might be too big though. Japanese fashion sizes are small!

Okay, the bad news....

My friend died last week. I don't seem to be following the 7 Stages of Grief whatsoever. I kind of feel like it hasn't kicked in all the way yet, that fact. Guilt keeps poking me, even though I wasn't directly involved. I guess we all go through that in situations like these. I don't need the sympathy, really I don't, and it just makes me feel worse anyway. The funeral is Saturday.

I'm sorry to end on that bad note. Stay safe and well, everyone. I won't give such a melancholy post next time, I promise.
