Bus People

I took the wrong bus today. This is what happens when I don't pay attention (and it happens a lot). Anyway, ended up going in the opposite direction of where I wanted to go and had to jump out and grab a transfer to get back to where I wanted to go. That's not the point though.

I forget how crazy the people on the bus can be. Today, on one of the buses, there was this old lady in the front. Man, she was a character. Probably in her 70s and wearing motorcycle riding pants and fringe jacket. She was wearing black lipstick, sunglasses, and a backwards baseball hat. She was totally rocking out to her own music, playing air drums/guitar/bass/vocals. She was a heavy smoker, so she had a really deep gravelly voice. At a couple of times during the ride, she started rolling her own cigaretts. I wondered if that was legal on the bus.

These are the kind of people that I use as "extras" in my stories and then no one believes that they're real. If only you knew....
