Go, Speed Racer, Go!

Okay, no joke, kids, YOU HAVE TO GO SEE SPEED RACER. It's amazing and surprisingly artistic. No matter what you think about it from the trailers...there's no way that any movie that is made from any kind of show or comic book is going to be disappointing.

A friend and I went and saw it today after school as a Yay-Exams-Are-Over celebration. I swear we were the only people within 100 miles that were excited to go see it. And we were totally justified. I only stopped shaking a little while ago (from adrenalin and excitement, you know).

There's a certain K-pop singer in it too. I kept staring at the screen saying, "I know you." Turns out I was right. He speaks surprisingly well.

Anyway, if you've got any respect for the old school, you've got to go see it. You won't be disappointed.
