Month of Hell

That's the subtitle I've given May. I'm pretty sure that I'll die somewhere in the next three weeks. At least the first hurdle is over and done with and I can focus more on my impending doom.

What kind of impending doom, you ask? Let's just say three exams in the span of four days and a presentation that I MUST pass. I'm really not stressing out about it as much as I should. After that, I can relax a little (I hope) and it'll all be fine. Until June.

But enough about that. I've just come upon the opportunity of a lifetime. I've been asked by an acquaintance to do character design for a video game! It's a text-based game so my designs won't be actually in the game (that's what it sounds like) but they'll be up on the game's website. I can't believe that this actually happened. Most people go out looking for this sort of thing (I myself have never because it wasn't a huge interest of mine) and yet it found me. I'm really looking forward to start working on it!

Oh, in case you haven't noticed (I don't know how you couldn't have, if you go to your backroom all the time), I have new fan art up too! It's for the fan comic "Legend of Zelda: Waste of Time" here on theO. I really am in love with that comic and I'm very proud of the fan art I did for it. I plan on getting the sketch up and also another piece up hopefully this week. So check back in soon!

I hope you all are well!
