Titles are Overrated

Birthday has come and gone yet again. Every year it sort of surprises me that I've gotten a year older (although why, I have no idea). That means the summer vacation is half over.

Looking at fan art here on theO today made me really want to draw. Too bad I really SUCK at it right now. -_- It's a little depressing, actually. But it's okay because I'm almost done with the final design for my comission! I'm super excited about it. It was driving me crazy for a long time because there are so many people in the picture (like ten). I don't think I've ever done something with more than three. I'm actually really pleased with it and all that needs to be done is transfering to a new sheet and coloring. I wonder if after I'm done with all this work if my employer will let me put some stuff up here....

Dead Fantasy III and IV are online. Has anyone seen them? Honestly, I have to say that they're almost a little disappointing. Maybe I just like choatic fighting with larger groups rather than one-on-one battles. But there are still some really great fights and interesting tid-bits. Man, I love fight scenes. And if you don't know what Dead Fantasy is...just go watch it.

Went to an art festival today. That was fun. It's really hot right now, so I didn't like the heat much but it's always good to go see art venders.

Been working on cosplay for myself and serenitytsu. I'm trying to get serenitytsu's costume done and out of the way first. It's very complicated (I really hope you appreciated this costume, S-chan, 'cause it's annoyingly difficult. But at least you know how to give me a challenge). I'm hoping to get at least one piece finished by the end of this week, so we'll see.

Watched Coraline in 3-D last night (or this morning because it was like 1 am). Kind of a creepy movie but I really liked it. Apparently it's based on a book but I've never heard of the book before. By the way, the 3-D was not that impressive. I think I'll add it to the ever-growing list of movies that I like and can't afford. Ha ha.
