Things I Forgot

So I was going through my sketch book the other night and found this picture that I did a while back based on an experience I had at the con I went to in April. I got carried away with the shading, so I have no plans of putting it up but the story is still worth sharing.

So at the con I saw this guy, who had to be at least 70, maybe 75, in a walker cosplaying as Mario. It was the most hardcore thing I'd ever seen.

Another thing that I forgot to mention about the con was that Yaya Han was there, selling accessories. If you don't know who Yaya Han is, she's a pretty well-known cosplayer. She's probably know best for her gigantic wing props. She's actually a lot smaller in person than she looks in her pictures. But yeah, I saw her and my eyes almost popped out of my head. "Holy crap, it's Yaya Han!" She's practically a celebrity. You know, one of those moments.

Cons give me great material to use in my manuscript. Maybe I should start collecting stories. Anyone got any cosplay stories they'd like to share?
