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Too Busy for Summer

So my little cousin is visiting here with my grandma while her mom is in sugery for the week. I forget how much energy little kids have. And, you know, since it's not very often that we get to see her, we have to go on adventures every day. Go shopping, go to the zoo, etc. She's pretty cute though.

Compounded with that, my brother's cat has had to have two vet visits and I'm pretty sure that she'll hate us for a while. Poor thing.

In other things, I just bought fabric dye for my cosplay. The piece that I'm dying is made of synthetic fabric. Impossible you say? Apparently not. It's a lot of work but you can dye synthetic fabrics with dye by replacing water with rubbing alcohol. So I'm gonna give it a go. I'll let you know how it goes.

Til then.

A Love/Hate Relationship

Things I love about Summer

  • No school!
  • Time to work on cosplay
  • Time to read
  • I'm not generally in a room by myself (as was my life at school)
  • A change of pace

Things I hate about Summer

  • Job hunting
  • No money to work on cosplay
  • High temperatures
  • No air conditioning

Actually, to say that I have a love/hate relationship with summer is probably inaccurate. It's definitely leaning more towards "hate."

Tournis are Ridiculous

So my brother had a baseball tournament this weekend. Yesterday was four games back-to-back from 10 am to about 10 pm. Ridiculous, I tell you. But they played really well until about the last game. We were all tired by then. Came in second, regardless. If you want more tourniment ridiculousness--the last tourniment, we lost three games out of five and won the championship.

In other news, out of school for the summer. Same summer business. Find a job, try to keep myself from going crazy with boredom, blah blah blah. Started reworking the armor of my cosplay to try to make it better. A friend agreed to do a photoshoot with me when I had it finished. So I'm pretty excited about that.

But yeah. That's pretty much it.

Oh, and a piece of advice. If a sign says: "WARNING: Dive-bombing crows" you should probably take the sign seriously. Just saying.

Guerrilla Origami

So last night, was walking back from the market with a friend and noticed that there were paper cranes in the bushes, and in the trees, and just hanging out all over the place. Coolest guerrilla art ever!

(Wish I could share pictures with you guys but my computer and theO don't see eye to eye)

EDIT: I got my computer and theO to make up. Can't figure out how to do multiple pictures though....

Con Report 2010

As promised: a report. This year was a little different because I was by myself the entire time. Serenitytsu dropped out at the last second (not surprisingly) and thinkanti had work and class and couldn't come. Also there was the fact that I wa...

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