Welcome, everyone! I'm glad you stopped by. Please, feel free to flip through the pages.

...And We're Back

My glorious week-long break is now over. It was unnaturally long due to a blizzard at the beginning of last week. So I completely relished in doing nothing. I probably should have been writing my paper. Oh well.

I've managed to convince myself that I'll survive the next three weeks until term is over. My whiny side is still screaming, "BREAAAAAKE NOOOOOOOOW!" but I'll just have to ignore that.

I did a strange thing this year and went shopping on Thanksgiving weekend. Usually I avoid the mad rush like the plague but not this year. Not sure why, really. The majority of shopping is out of the way now. Yay.

Also in this flurry of shopping I purchased LoZ: Twilight Princess for GC (yes, I'm terribly old-school). I can't believe that it's almost been five years since that was released. It look me this long to get my hands on this game?! ...And I call myself a fan...pfft. Got myself through the Forest Temple. So far, so good. It's got all the elements of Windwaker but is so much darker. Awesome.

And I just want to say--it is a million times easier to aim and generally run around when you've got functioning joysticks. The PS2 that I'm borrowing has lazy joysticks so camera and character drift in one direction. Makes playing Dirge of Cerberus difficult.

Mixed Feelings

You know those weeks when EVERYTHING seems to be happening? Yeah, it's one of those.

First off, one of my really good friends from childhood told me that she recently had a baby. O.o She and her boyfriend are no longer together though, so she's a single parent now. I feel bad for her but she seems optimistic.

Secondly, my aunt died on Monday. This happened rather suddenly but wasn't exactly unexpected. The family had been told she had a couple of weeks to six months left. Looks like it tended toward the shorter end of that timeline. I worry about my grandma, mom, and cousins. The funeral is the first week of December.

Thirdly, my cousin proposed to his girlfriend of 6+ years while in Berlin. I'm very excited for them (6+ years--that gains my approval (and I love N. anyway)). There's this inside joke about them--his mom told him he wasn't allowed to get married until he turned 30 when he was little. He just turned 30 last month.

Fourthly, I might be having oral surgery again. What does this make? Three times now? Yep. I go back to the dentist in a couple of weeks to see if that will change or not. Wish me luck.

Fifthly, Harry Potter midnight premier. When you've got a hardcore fan for a best friend, you usually end up getting dragged to these things. I can tell I'm not gonna get a lot of sleep this weekend.

Burnt Out

I'm either at the Burt Out Stage or I'm very close to it. Lots of stuff is going on. The next play is coming up, we've got a lot of anime club events going on, registration just happened, and I keep falling asleep in my anthropology class....I should go to bed earlier. Or drink more coffee? I've just got to make it for another week and a half, then I can have a break.

Now I need to find a recipe for mashed potatoes....

Pssht--Titles are Overrated

Got accosted by a cat today. From a garbage can. Animals jumping out of garbage cans right in front of me isn't a particularly new experience. It's happened several times actaully. Usually it's squirrels. Today it was a cat. But he was cute and friendly (and I can't resist a cat) so I sat and petted him for a while.

Halloween was the most quiet it has ever been. I almost forgot that it happened. Apparently no one trick-or-treats around here. My friends did come over to show off their costumes (Ash and Misty) though. We talked about going as a group sometime and throwing in Moemon. That would be fun. Maybe someday....

Just two more days and it'll be a weekend...! Just have to get there.

I feel I should make a post....

It's been long enough, yeah?

Things have slowed down now. Well, I shouldn't say that. Let's put it like this: I have fewer time commitments. The play is finished so I'm essentially done with one job for the rest of the semester. I did rack up 30 hours in overtime though.

Night of Musical Theater opened last night (I didn't work on this but a friend directed). It was really fantastic. Song selection and flow was great. I promptly came home and bought half the songs off the internet. A close friend of mine had a solo (like a whole song for himself) and he was also super amazing. By the way--you should all check out [title of show] (that's actually what the musical is called). It's so funny. Here's one of the songs they performed:

Anyway, just trying to make it to my next break so I can breathe a little. Catch up on sleep, you know. In the meantime I've got an autobiographical story to write. I've decided I really hate this kind of writing. I couldn't think of something to write about and went to my teacher for advice. So he gave me a prompt--and it is so ridiculous. I am not excited.

But whatev. 'Til next time, all.