THE GAME WILL NOT BEGIN JUNE 6TH. I have a conflict with another RP that entire week!

THAT BEING SAID... It also cannot start June 13, as I will be out of town that weekend, and the same goes for the weekend of June 20th. I also cannot start the game May 31 as I will be moving back into campus for summer research.

What does this mean? Well, it gives us three options:

1) Applications will close May 23rd instead, and the Game will begin May 24th.
2) Applications will close June 20th, and the Game will begin June 27th.
3) Applications will close the weekend of June 6th, but the Game will begin on a weekday the following week!

Although I stated in the promo and FAQ that most missions were likely to occur on the weekends, this unfortunately cannot happen if we want the RP to be contained to the summer! As you can see, I am... pretty busy on the weekends, at least for June. Beyond those weekends, I'll probably be gone most others as well for various things.

This means that we need to work together to form a mission schedule! Reminder that weekday missions will begin at roughly 6 PM EST, as I have a job.

As a general rule of thumb, let's say these are unavailable all summer.
-Sunday (Though evenings may work!)

That leaves: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday for missions, and also possibly Sunday evenings.

So, what do you guys think? Which option works best to start us off? Remember that the scheduling for this RP is flexible. Just because D1 happens on, say, a Wednesday, doesn't mean that D2 can't happen on, say, a Saturday! It mostly depends on my own personal schedule, but your input is valuable as well.

BUT AHHH YEAH PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Mainly at this point I just want to know when to hold the first day! Option 3 is most ideal for myself!

ALSO: Day 0 is not going to happen! We're going to jump right in with Day 1! It was a tough decision, but after thinking it over, I decided that the D1 mission is simple enough that it can double as the tutorial day. This means we'll only officially be meeting 7 times this summer, instead of 8! YAY LESS COMMITTMENT! Of course, you'll be free to meet unofficially as much as you want-
