Winter's Touch: Grieving Steps [END]

Tsukiro, despite being the bratty, loud and rambunctious child, had learned as he grew up to keep his negative feelings rolled into a ball and bottled up. He kept that bottle deep within the recesses of his mind, locked away and hidden so that the potent, harmful feelings could not hurt those around him.

This was no different.

As Kisuke roared at the air and Ukitake silently brooded, Tsukiro's mind first put the last few pieces of the puzzle together. Kita, who was the only one with Hitsugaya, sealed behind the barrier, had taken the life from his captain. She had taken his deep trust in her and killed him with it.

Once his mind finished with the puzzle, it clouded over--became dark and black. This was just like when his mother and brother were killed. However, back then it had taken some time and growing up before his mind had darkened with the most potent negative emotion of all: revenge.

He was going to kill her when he finally met her in person. In his dreams she was stubborn and iron willed. But she had cared deeply for his captain. Now, she deserved no better than what he had planned for the bastard who killed his family. Worse even. The man who destroyed his family was a stranger. She was someone whom he had come to trust. She had betrayed him when she betrayed his captain.

And she would die for it.

By his hand and his hand alone. He didn't care who tried to stop him. Anyone else who dared to interfere with it would be cut down.