Winter's Touch: Vengeance on Shadows from Las Noches

Getting a brief second of respite before the next wave of frozen hell, Kita rose from her hands and knees, trying hard to catch her breath. The sub zero temperature just dropped again as her hot breath froze, falling to the ground like a pebble tossed to the water. Hearing a noise, she looked up.


She knew she heard something and it was coming quickly.

But what?

What was coming from the sky to destroy them? Finally, one fell to the earth no more then a foot from her.


No. It was hail, hail the size of her head, and more was coming. Kita allowed her ears to lead her as she pounced, dodged, and jumped from the soccer ball sized hail, her breathing hard and shallow. If this kept up, she was bound to pass out from lack of oxygen; however, she was not about to get knocked out by what was falling from above.

Relying solely on sight, Ulquiorra carefully forged his path. In the brief pockets of visibility, he caught sight of Kita stepping through the elements like a dancer. Impractical, but effective.

Finally, Kita found herself back against solid ice. She turned, seeing the cave opening no more then a few hundred yards from her.

A mad dash and she would be in the lion’s den. Did she dare?

Ulquiorra's back slammed hard into the wall, but at least he was relatively safer than before. He brushed away snow that had collected on his eyelids and spared a look at Kita. Indecision was written across her face.

Opprotunites are missed by idle hands, he thought. Even in his own mind, he could hardly hear himself over the din Hitsugaya was creating. What a bothersome boy.

The ice from the wall against Kita’s back quickly surrounded her, sealing her and stopping all movements, all breath. Kita could not move. She was frozen against the outer cave wall, her air supply cut off. She closed her eyes and stayed calm, hoping her master saw or felt her reiatsu being engulfed by the ice. As it did, a giant dragon made of ice and water materialized, blocking all entrances to the cave.

It was then that Ulquiorra saw that the ice that encased Kita’s body. It writhed and twisted until it had her in an indefinite choke hold.


It would not end like this.

Striding over, Ulquiorra swung his elbow back and brought his weight behind it. The two forces met with a bone crushing impact. The sinews in his elbow snapped like twine and the bone crumpled like used tissue... but she was free.