Spoilers(?) and Thoughts on Anime and Manga Updates!

Read at your own risk! Spoilers may be included!

Can you believe it? Fairy Tail anime is ending March 30th! It is suspected that the anime will 'take a break' and then return, since it has very nearly caught up with the manga, and it's too soon for another filler arc.

^This video is LuffyTheDragonSlayer, who does many anime/manga reviews. He's a personal favorite of mine, but KingofLightning also has some awesome reviews!

So, we learn that the Shadow that was controlling Rogue is...Future Rogue! We also learn that Future Rogue was the one who told Hisui about Eclipse 2, not Future Lucy! What does this mean? How is Lucy connected with all of this? (If you watch the anime, the ending features Lucy, plus, Lucy was kidnapped to 'help' with Eclipse, Charle has had a premonition about Mercuris collapsing with Lucy inside it, singing!)

^Another LuffyTheDragonSlayer vid.

And now, to lighten the mood for all of those who watch/love the anime:
