Inspired from an RP.

Tears of blood below me,arms outstreched towards me

Calling to help me, but i turn away

They tell me I need help in more than one way

How would they know,they're not me,I know myself,Ithink...

I see visions of them smiling, happy as could be

Then I see me, left alone in the darkness, where the shadows devour my pride

I wish I had somewhere to hide away

More people coming towards me,more everyday

I'll still turn them away,I feel like I should be able to have a say

The blood drips to the floor,just more and more

It soaks and saturates my soul

I might stop if it didn't feel so good

Now I hear a voice,louder than the rest,calling my name

Well,how was I to know it was the angel of death

Then come more voices calling to me

I look up to see tears in the eyes of dear friends

I never ment to hurt them, only me...

Someone is standing over me as I awake from the dark abyss

I'm in the hospital surrounded by my wounded friends, staring down at me through wounded eyes

The doctor walked in and changed the bandages again

In a whisper he leaned down to me and said,"why is such a pretty girl trying to kill herself?"

I answer back in a normal voice"it's not the killing...It's the pain"

